The price of petrol

All this travelling but will finally be home in around 10 days. Having stolen a hotels password in Crete I have been checking out the news from home. Surprise surprise. Petrol has hit a new high and naturally economists are worried. YOU are worried!!!then of course comes the response from some academic that we should all be grateful because it’s far less if you compare the price 30 years ago with wages, it actually was far greater then. BOLLOCKS. The main problem with people like this is they refuse to give up the past. Move on. I’m not grateful with the price of petrol but thank you  for reminding me. We all have to look and move forward. Not look backwards. Otherwise you’ll never see opportunities or in fact anything, coming!!I can however still moan about the price of petrol.

One thought on “The price of petrol

  1. Welcome home :-)
    What will you blog about now that you’re back?
    Great blog, btw…would love to hear more about your trip, tpp

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