


Here’s where the fun begins.  Or does it. Yesterday I tried to start a blog under my user name on a well known app site. Because I am in Europe it tried to speak to me in Italian. After 2 hours I was set to go. Sent a blog about the amazingly low price of beer in Europe and how mortadella is $1.80 a packet here but back home the same packet costs $12.00. Even With currency exchange I can’t believe how cheap things are in Europe or maybe it’s that things are so dear in good ol nz. Anyway they reckon it was spam and removed me completely. Stick with an nz blog site I say!! Mind you I have just replied to myself 3 times thinking I was blogging. Maybe senility is setting in hopefully this has worked. So someone please tell me it  is!!

3 thoughts on “Aargh

  1. Read and digested! Hope you’re getting rest and relaxation…and I hope the price of olives is also as inexpensive as the cost of living! Enjoy!

  2. Great having you in Italy…you will love it, take the good and if anything bad comes your way, laugh…we are with you, everything is cheap, we are loving the life, especially during these hot summer days…enjoy, con un abbraccio, baci,
    A, K, V AND C xxxx

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