The end is nigh

I write this on the eve of armageddon. The day before the 21st, although in saying that is it the 21st in New Zealand or the 21st in South America, or maybe Rome or London. And what time exactly on the 21st. I mean if the mayans were good enough to tell us the date, they could have at least told us the time. 10 past 4 maybe. At least then I could have a final drop of the very expensive champaigne I’ve been saving or perhaps have a quick….and I empasise quick…shag. Be a bugga to get halfway through and all of a sudden dead. Still worse ways to go I suppose. Its been a great life, I’ve been to many doomed places, have lots of friends, a wonderful son and lived well. To all whose company I have enjoyed I say ta muchly. To those I hated and quite possibly hated me….die you bastards…..hmmm…doesnt really have the same impact now……and to all thoseĀ I owe money to….you can quite frankly stick it. No more mortgage….actually just had a thought…imagine if you had just paid your 30 year mortgage off today…..glad I didnt!!!!! ha ha…..just goes to show, glad I spent all my money on dinners and wine and good times instead of putting everything towards the mortgage. Whose smart now?…..anyway been fun, thanks and I can only hope the world really does end tomorrow….I’ve just cancelled all my A/P’s.